The Mission

To secure the unalienable rights of all people as endowed by their Creator, those of Life, Liberty, and the pursuit of Happiness. Whenever any form of government becomes destructive to the means in which it was established, it is the right of the people to alter or abolish it and to institute a new government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them seem most likely to affect their Safety and Happiness - The Charters of Freedom and Democracy, signed in Congress July 4, 1776.

Starting this day forward, I urge all Americans who still have hope for a brighter future ahead to come together toward one common goal that alters the destructive direction this country is now moving and brings the nation back to a place we can pledge our allegiance with pride and admiration to once more. The decisions being made on your behalf by leaders in Washington, without your permission, will continue to denigrate the standing that we all have a purpose in this realm of existence and all lives matter until you stand up for your inalienable rights guaranteed to the people in our United States. Help bring about positive change in a country 'filled to the brim', with compassionate and caring human beings whose only goal is to find purpose within their own lives while providing for those close to them by doing so with an almost instinctual moral awareness of right and wrong. Once we unify in the quest to simply be recognized as equals in the human race, maybe then, as we approach a perfect stranger, we can start to look upon them without suspicion, but instead with the same sense of unconditional acceptance and kindness we now show toward our pets.

Having grown up in an era of free-thinking, rebellious idealists, who questioned authority with every opportunity that arose, my generation was never deterred from our purpose to assemble for a common cause and never be guided by a fear of the unknown. We were told by our government to go to an unknown part of the world and destroy those who practice an ideal contrary to America’s belief system in a democratic society. Eradicate communism and those who practice that belief system at the very source, therefore, assuring it never spreads to our shores here in America! My generation's response to our government leaders selling an unknown fear to the young men at an age for enlistment or being drafted into the military was - Make Love Not War!

Believe me, if you are not already aware of it, time is the most precious gift to every living being on this planet. If you choose to waste your own time during your passage on earth, that is your prerogative. Just know that no one else has a right to waste your time, especially when it is stolen from you without your knowledge. Lawmakers in Washington are wasting all Americans' time to further their own personal agenda, while preventing those wanting to fulfill their ambitions and live the American dream from doing so. Stand together and say no more, if not for your sake, then at least for the sake of a better environment for future generations to try and exist more securely.

I urge Americans to take the lead and show the rest of the world that we are stronger together when standing on the principles that lead our nation to its creation over two hundred years ago. Let's unify toward a common cause that is heard around the globe as we stand in solidarity to denounce those who continue to suppress our right to Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness, our divine given rights!

A line of american flags flying in the wind.