The Problem

More than ever, it's becoming apparent at home and abroad that America is not the glowing star of hope and opportunity it once was but rather moving in the direction of a third-world country, where the rich and politically powerful make all the decisions around their well-being while the rest of us try and exist day to day in a more oppressed and dysfunctional environment!

A woman raises her fist in the air.

Empowering the People's Voice

There are rapid and lasting solutions to many of the problems facing Americans today if only Congress would do its job and address meaningful legislation that places the country's interests first. But they won't, so we, the people, have to address the problem at the source and demand changes in the body of government where members continue to focus on self-interest and the needs of special interests over the needs of our citizens.

The question now becomes as simple as the answer, can you continue and hope for a more positive outcome after each election cycle before the misguided decisions continuing to be made by our leaders in Washington soon become irreversible? What transpired in our country during the previous administration, with the indelible stain now placed on the once most revered nation on Earth, will be seen in our homeland and around the world, with America remaining a fallen empire with no vision forward again toward a brighter future in people’s lives.

Distrust and Division: Seeking Reliable Aid

If the American people still think that their elected officials look at citizens as anything other than 'one vote' in which to further a self-serving agenda for greater wealth and power, you are sadly mistaken. As the country becomes more divided and insecure with each passing day and people continue to lose trust in those, we always thought would provide some security and protection for all Americans whenever our health and safety were placed in jeopardy as it is today, it brings into question, who can we trust going forward to extend a helping hand during our most dire time of need?

The conservative ultra-right views the health crisis today as an opportunity to advance their highest crimes yet against humanity! Fully aware of the fact that individuals of color are more disproportionately affected by the health crisis, this further delays any action by Republicans to try and mitigate the needless loss of innocent lives across all ethnic cultures, with a pandemic still in control of who lives and dies.

A flag is flying in the wind outside of a house.
A group of people standing in front of an american flag.

United for Resurrecting Freedom

With no guarantees about what tomorrow will bring and the country moving precariously into uncharted territory, it demands ‘we the people' stand united in solidarity to try and resurrect the Republic we were chartered under with freedom and justice guaranteed unconditionally for all citizens once more.

Unleashing Economic Potential

Did you know that the current budget in Washington would cover the costs of creating a more equitable economic environment for all Americans simply by cleaning up the waste and redundancy in non-essential or obsolete programs and reallocating tax revenue to meet the necessary requirements for healthy and productive societies to follow their dreams and ambitions with some purpose in life?

Members of Congress have almost unlimited power to do what's right for the health and strength of the economy while improving the quality of life for all citizens, who, together, are the only ones who can make America great again! It’s past time for those we have always placed our unconditional trust in to protect and serve the people first to begin to recognize their sworn duty and responsibility to the county first.

A flag flying on top of a metal pole.

Reclaiming Responsibility

The societal norms today in this country have migrated to a point where accepting personal responsibility for our own actions or inactions has diminished to a level where it is far easier to just blame someone else for the way things are in life instead of doing anything to start to fix some of the inequities that are taking the nation in the wrong direction. We were once a country that led by example through innovation and boundless opportunities; instead, today, America is viewed around the globe as a fallen nation with no direction or guidance to try and move forward again.

The past president never accepted any responsibility for his malevolent incompetence, sending a clear message to the most impressionable members of our society, if you choose not to take any responsibility for your behavior throughout life, then it is ok to find fault with others to mask your own shortcomings and poor judgment. President Biden is far more focused on returning to a government run by competent, moral, and ethical leadership where decision-makers accept full responsibility for their actions or inactions whenever others are negatively impacted as a result.

Whether we want to admit it publicly or to ourselves, the fact of the matter is that the disruptive behavior in Washington is only getting worse while the voices of the people are being silenced by those who continue to place self-interests above the health and well-being of the people. The actions of most of our leaders today are creating such a toxic and adversarial environment, not only in Washington but spreading across the country, with a greater percentage of the population now being more adversely affected than at any time in our history.

People, please wake up to the fact that your fellow citizens are not the enemy but rather some in power, making decisions on your behalf and without your permission, only to further their own self-serving agenda at any cost to the country!

The greatest damage to our democratic society today and a personal affront to every American that is being perpetrated by the evildoer in Washington is something that all citizens, through the day-to-day distractions in Washington, have overlooked.

Lawmakers are personally and willfully stealing from every human being in America the most precious non-renewable right we are given during the brief passage on this planet, ours and ours alone, to follow alongside the dreams and ambitions we all have, and that is ‘TIME.’

Constituents First: Legislators' Duty

There was never any ambiguity in the job description of our legislators! If they need to be reminded what it is, simply put, it is to fulfill the needs and expectations of their constituents, first and foremost, who hired them specifically to be the voice of the citizens, the people’s voice alone in Washington!

Constitutionality and Modern Society

Members of Congress cite amendments to the Constitution as proof that their actions are well within the framework of the laws described in the articles of freedom and democracy. The First Amendment is a good example when referring to our freedom of speech rights. Politicians use the First Amendment to disparage the reputation of their opponents through their freedom of speech and expression. The First Amendment is very clear about the right to freedom of speech, which is not absolute in any country and is subject to limitations such as libel, slander, or essentially lying about the character of another individual to further enhance one's own image.

There is no provision in the Second Amendment that allows military-grade weaponry to be put in the hands of civilians, period. If there remains any ambiguity in the laws we must all live under today, change them to align with the intent of those originally drafted in the Constitution and integrate them into the changing societal norms and attitudes of the times. No one has a right to distort the intent of our laws for the sole purpose of furthering one's own personal campaign that is rooted in deceit and lies being conveyed to the public.

A soldier saluting in front of an american flag.
Two people holding up american flags in front of their faces.

Urgent Demands for Progressive Change

The clock is ticking faster for some, so let's stop debating the non-issues and implement reasonable ideas, so we can move on to the truly critical issues affecting the majority of the citizens in this country and replace the counter-productive evildoers in government with progressive-thinking humanitarians!

There is nothing to stop us from demanding change with the status quo in Washington by simply unifying behind the one principle: This is no longer the America that I want my children or future generations to grow up in if we wish to honor the vision of our founders with their creation of a perfect union, guided by the will of the people unconditionally.

Lawmakers want us to ignore climate change because if we truly believe it is a real science-based phenomenon, then taking any action to slow down the damage already occurring to the planet will have a negative impact on the bottom line of the oil companies. People need to wake up to the harsh reality and accept the fact that some in power have insulated themselves against their poor judgment and inactions while in office. In their minds, never being challenged for egregious acts against all humanity simply assures them that it is well within the law to continue acting so irresponsibly.