The Solution

It is a documented fact that when countries focus on the health and well-being of their citizens, first and foremost, those nations are proven to have the most amicable coexistence among people in their society. Less crime, a more productive workforce, and generally, a more content majority of the population living in those communities because the people are not struggling just to exist one day at a time, as we are sadly seeing in this country today.

A person holding an american flag in the shape of a heart.

Reclaiming Our Democratic Destiny

Time is running out to try and return America to a semblance of its former glory, out of the deep, dark abyss we are in today, renewing our pledge of allegiance to a flag representing the sacrifices made throughout history to preserve the image of loyalty to country first under a democratic form of government.

The divine right we all have as human beings to remain free, proclaiming the moral imperative to choose our own destiny during the brief passage in this realm of existence on planet Earth, must be reclaimed from those who wish to suppress the people’s voices by dictating their maligned beliefs behind a subordinate class structure that we must never invite into the Republic we were founded by the people, for all the people. There was never any ambiguity to the intent to which the founders drafted the passages in the Articles of Freedom when stating: We hold these truths to be self-evident that all people are created equal, that they are endowed by their creator with certain inalienable rights, that among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.

Restoring America's Founding Principles

The time is now to honor the founder's signing of the Declaration of Independence on July 4, 1776, and hold these truths to be self-evident, that America will never become the oppressive regime we separated from over two and a half centuries ago in Great Britain.

With no guardrails left in place for government to function today within the foundational pillars, this great nation was conceived under one standard rule of law derived from the Constitution, and the responsibility is then placed with all the people to change the government back to the image the founders designed America to flourish and adapt to the changing times ahead as a free nation and: “Whenever any form of government in America becomes destructive of these ends, it is the inalienable right of the people to alter or abolish it, and to institute new government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such a form as to them shall seem most likely to affect their safety and happiness.”

A little girl holding an american flag in the grass.
A group of people holding american flags in the air.

Honoring the Vision: A Government for the People

The first step has been taken, with a president entering the highest office in the land who is guided by human values, placing the country and the needs of all Americans first during our most dire time of need. The American people must now honor the founder's vision for this Republic to continue evolving into a perfect union and return to a government where members of Congress are evaluated under the oath of office they swore to uphold as dedicated public servants.

The Legislative Branch, through its members, has for decades shown such a blatant disregard for the privileges afforded our elected officials that today we must mandate these public servants return to the job they swore to perform and enact legislation benefiting the people first and foremost, not themselves and not corporations, while doing so expeditiously and within the budget allotted.

Presidential Action: Advancing Reconstruction

I, John Farrow, a writer, have reached out to President Biden, asking him to consider all options going forward by advancing the much-needed reconstruction agenda, unilaterally, if necessary, to begin moving the nation forward again without further delays or distractions coming out of Congress.

The next steps he takes are critical in assuring future generations that the country will never again fall into the perilous state we lie in today, where the health, safety, and security of every man, woman, and child in America remain in harms way because the misguided decisions made by Congress in the past still go unaddressed as climate change will soon dictate the future fate of all life on the planet if immediate action is not taken to slow global warming.

One suggestion I’ve made to the president and granted the absolute power the majority of the American people provided his office in the last election, would call on him to direct the labor department to make necessary changes under the terms and conditions of employment for all federal workers, regardless of whether they were hired, elected, or appointed into their positions of trust and honor, requiring all members of Congress to return to the job responsibilities they have listed in the Constitution while representing the interests of their constituents first and without further delays!​

A couple is standing in front of an american flag.

People's Will: Congressional Reform

Once open positions are filled in Congress with honorable citizens instead of politicians, and by structuring this body of government with more oversight, we can then ensure that members never go down a path of corrupting this branch of government, which was always intended to represent the voice and 'will of the people' first and foremost!

Think about the possibilities, people, if the majority of our citizens wanted free healthcare, free education, or even expanding the space program, so we have other options once this planet becomes uninhabitable, then it would be the role of Congress to find the most efficient and cost-effective manner in which to make those demands by the people and for the people, become reality. If members of Congress disagree with the will of the people going forward, then they can stand around in the break room among their fellow workers and bitch about how unfair life is as long as they get their work done as demanded by their positions.

Uniting for People's Empowerment

Let's join together as equals and return the decision-making to what is truly in each one's own best interests, back to the people! Life is short, and there are no guarantees that tomorrow will come, so remember, humans are all on the planet to live each day to its fullest because all of us arrived on a one-way ticket, and once we step on the 'dearly departed' bus out of town, we will not be returning to this planet Earth anytime soon!

Three people standing next to each other holding a flag.